R&D Projects

R&D Projects

The realization of innovative projects, R+D+I projects and activities for the promotion of R+D+I has been promoted within this area among the CETEM associates; those projects are focused on giving solutions to the main needs detected in the different technological and strategic areas of CETEM related to the furniture sector:
– Identification and characterisation of new materials of application in the sector, with focus on eco-innovation.
– Promotion of the incorporation of nanotechnology in the furniture sector.
– Promotion of the centre’s knowledge in textiles, identifying centres of excellence in this area and establishing mutually beneficial relationships.
– Support to companies of the habitat sector to improve their production processes through technological development and innovation projects, relying of industrial robotics and automation.
– Development of innovative products through technologies hitherto barely used in the sector, such as electronics and home automation.

In detail, the projects that have been launched during 2021 or that have continued to be implemented since the previous year, and which are not subject to any type of confidentiality contract, are:

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Sheld-On International projects
This project will create a science and technology network for relevant members from universities, research centres and industry to use the common tools and activities of the network to address the current ageing changes of the European population, thus helping reduce the usual redundancy in R&D+I efforts. The SHELD-ON project aims to enhance the exchange of knowledge and the development of a joint research agenda in terms of design and development of open multifunctional environments to meet the requirements of Europe’s ageing population and promote healthy ageing aspects.
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Allview International projects
A multiannual project funded by the European Commission through the ERASMUS+ initiative focused on creating a European dual VET network of Centres of Excellence in the field of Furniture and Wood.
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The promotion of disruptive companies with high added value through entrepreneurial discovery, understood as the identification of new technological and market opportunities, through collaboration between CETEM and companies and entrepreneurs operating preferably in the Habitat Sector and related sectors such as those in which companies work with new materials, environmental intelligence, robotics and automation of industrial processes, 3D printing or Industry 4.0 in general and any other subject that can be applied to the broadest concept of habitat.
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MAKING 4.0 International projects
Project financed by the European Union through the ERASMUS+ MUNDUS initiative whose objective is the development of a training course/master on industry4.0 in the wood sector for Malaysian Universities.
In addition to the 4 Malaysian universities and the Malaysian Timber Industry Council (METIB), the European partners are KIT, WULS, UPCT and CETEM.
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Tourings International projects
Project funded by the ERASMUS+ initiative from the European Commission aimed at developing a training course on Collaborative Robotics to promote its installation in the European Union. This course has different approaches: design and programming of the robotic cell, user-robot interaction and assembly line balancing.
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3D4EDERLY International projects
Project funded by the ERASMUS+ initiative from the European Commission focused on developing innovative ways of learning aimed at caregivers and people with Alzheimer or dementia using new technologies, such as 3D printing, to promote cognitive stimulation. Such technology may be useful for developing therapeutic methods.
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ACCESS3DP International projects
Project funded by the ERASMUS+ initiative from the European Commission aimed at fostering the artisan and creative sector with a training plan on 3DP and AIR (Industrial Automation and Robotics).
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Greener International projects
Project funded by the ERASMUS+ initiative from the European Commission mainly aimed at preparing both the companies and the public actors for a correct implementation of Green Public Procurement within Circular Economy principles.
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One Point International projects
CETEM will coordinate the content development activities and will prepare training content on specific topics, like 3d printing, Lean manufacturing, AR/VR. For O2, they will be involved in the research on best practices in online VET courses. They will contribute to the development of an ICT-tool/application repository plus a set of practical guidelines for trainers. Further, they will finalise content, translate it in Spanish and contribute to the content integration process as well as the testing and validation of the platform. Project financed by European Comission above Erasmus+ Programme.
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Desire International projects
Project funded by the ERASMUS+ initiative from the European Commission mainly aimed at providing tools and skills to apply Design for all or Universal Design methods (from the very design process) to professionals from building industry and furniture sector. This will allow the creation or adaptation of suitable housing for the elderly as a solution to provide them with well-being, comfort and autonomy at home.
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ENV CHANGE EU International projects
Project funded by the ERASMUS+ initiative from the European Commission aimed at strengthening the quality of start-up companies, young entrepreneurs and Vocational Training providers, as well as improving their professional development adopting or broadening the knowledge and skills in the field of Circular Economy involvement in modern business reality.
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SWING 2.0 International projects
Project funded by the ERASMUS+ initiative from the European Commission aimed at continuing the achievements by the successful SWING project, as well as at enabling the acquisition of sign language in various working environments with the purpose of integrating hearing-impaired people at different levels.
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GIST International projects
This Project is aimed at developing innovative training materials to provide core competences to companies and thus achieve the “bionic company” status through three aspects: firstly, technical competences related to the Essential Enabling Technologies of Industry 4.0; secondly, soft and transversal competences that foster creativity, innovation and communication, and finally, open leadership competences with commitment to the company (results), the employees (fostering talent) and society (for a better world).
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HORECOv-21 Electronics and home automation
Project funded by the Directorate-General for Innovation from CARM under the RIS3Mur Programme aimed at developing innovative actions for the hospitality industry to make hotels safer against virus transmission. This is a consortium project.
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Ganymed International projects
GANYMED will develop contents for teachers aimed at education adapted to older adults in the field of communication and digital media using the methods of Geragogy (Science of education in old age). Materials and didactic concepts are conceived to enable teachers to fine-tune the dynamic content and potential of digital media and communication to older people on a well-founded basis, thus enabling the 70+ generation to participate in digitisation.
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Bioemerger Materials
A project funded by the Regional Ministry of Employment, Universities, Enterprise and Environment within the research and innovation strategy for smart specialisation (RIS3MUR Strategy) whose aim is the development of biotechnological solutions for the eco-sustainable management of by-products and waste generated in the polyurethane foam industry.
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Insight International projects
The aim of this European project is to benchmark the activities of European clusters for the transformation of industry towards a smart industry.
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UP2B International projects
The aim of this European project is to improve future entry into the world of work from an early age (improving possible decision-making and prior knowledge).
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ALL HAND S ON DECK International projects
The aim of this European project is to develop a repository of documentation for woodworkers, a training course aimed at providing a new professional outlet for the long-term unemployed in the furniture industry and a training course for mentors
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Sunrise International projects
The aim of SUnRISE is to develop training contents and a virtual simulation tool that helps vocational students to get an insight into the furniture industry. The aim of SUnRISE is to train students technically and motivate them to work in this specific sector.
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Phara-On International projects
The overall objective of the Pharaon project (European H2020 project) is to support the ageing population in Europe by integrating digital services, devices and tools into easily deployable open platforms that contribute to dignified, independent and secure ageing. The project will use a range of digital tools which include connected devices (e.g. IoT), artificial intelligence, robotics, cloud computing and advanced smart wearable devices, big data and intelligent analytics that will be integrated to provide personalised optimised healthcare services.
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Project funded by the INFO R&D call for proposals. CONFIDENTIAL.
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Project funded by the INFO R&D call for proposals. CONFIDENTIAL.
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Project funded by the INFO R&D call for proposals. CONFIDENTIAL.
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Project funded by the ERASMUS+ call of the European Commission which aims to develop an innovative and interactive tool and training course that will enhance and re-train VET students (upper secondary and current workers) by providing them with the necessary digital and green skills and competences for the double transition.
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Project funded by the ERASMUS+ call of the European Commission which aims to develop training content for European citizens in order to fill knowledge gaps in data, health and digital skills.
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Project funded by the ERASMUS+ call of the European Commission which aims to teach languages to professional in the furniture sector through an e-learning tool and to develop new competences in the furniture sector in foreign languages (English).
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Project funded by the ERASMUS+ call of the European Commission whose objective is to develop training materials to increase knowledge and interest in circular economy among seniors (Seniors for Circular Economy).
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Project funded by the European Commission under the ERASMUS+ initiative which aims to prepare designers in the habitat sector with the necessary skills to initiate a successful transition from the new European Bauhaus and Society 5.0 to more sustainable, aesthetic and inclusive living spaces.
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Project financed by the European Commission under the ERASMUS+ initiative, which will develop a repository of documentation for woodworkers, a training course aimed above all at providing a new professional outlet for the long-term unemployed in the furniture industry and a mentoring course for adult learners.
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The aim of the project is to encourage the use in craft education and training of intuitive digital aids, telecommunications, simulators, advanced immersion and high-end digitisation to widen access, economise learning, increase exercise capacity and relax the constraints of remoteness in craft learning. The integration of haptic intelligence in digital design connects tacit knowledge into specific design tools for computer-aided crafts. Workflow simulation will support experimental archaeology for the recovery of lost techniques. Analytical workflow analysis leads to savings and reuse of materials, and reduction of energy consumption.
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Project funded by the European Commission under the ERASMUS+ initiative to develop a training course to adapt Collaborative Robotics units to the automation of waste management in manufacturing sectors and to promote circular business models.
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Project funded by the European Commission under the ERASMUS+ initiative aimed at developing a broad but detailed set of pedagogical, educational resources with a STEAM approach in schools that adds creativity and innovation to the most technological subjects.
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Project funded by the European Commission under the ERASMUS+ initiative aimed at developing a broad but detailed set of pedagogical, educational resources with a STEAM approach in schools that adds creativity and innovation to the more technological subjects.
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Project funded by the European Commission under the ERASMUS+ initiative whose objective is to develop a diagnostic tool for SMEs on competitive intelligence and technology watch strategies, together with a training course.
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Project funded by the European Commission under the ERASMUS+ initiative whose objective is the development of a training syllabus and tools to implement green certifications in forestry, wood and furniture, as well as KETs I4.0 of the value chain.
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Project funded by the European Commission under the ERASMUS+ initiative whose objective is to promote the independence and autonomy of people with disabilities in their own homes through the development of a course on home automation and home automation aimed at caregivers so that they can adapt the home and take advantage of this technology.
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Project funded by the European Commission under the ERASMUS+ initiative which aims to re-skill adults over the age of 45 in order to create a skilled and resilient workforce that, through innovation, creativity and cooperation, can survive in today’s globalised and volatile world.
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Project funded by the European Commission under the ERASMUS+ initiative whose objective is the development of training material using XR extended reality together with haptic gloves for the simulation of manufacturing and construction processes such as: carpentry, wall painting, roofing and installation of floating floorboards. CETEM is in charge of the conceptualisation of carpentry exercises and testing, as well as quality assurance of the results.
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ID-TAC is a project funded by INFO whose purpose is the «R&D for the development of an adaptive physical-logical module for the transformation of intelligent autonomous internal logistics systems» based on advanced computerisation technologies ready to be implemented on internal logistics systems transforming them into intelligent autonomous systems, capable of performing advanced supply and logistics management tasks under their own operational planning software.
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The overall objective of FurnitureTWINS, an INFO-funded project, is the research and development of a constructive model of digital twins, which through a modular structure of requirements, facilitates the creation of these, offering efficient product solutions based on AI and TL technologies from rich hist data of other product result.
Action name Department
The overall objective of FurnitureTWINS, a project funded by the INFO, is the research and development of a constructive model of digital twins, which through a modular structure of requirements, facilitates the creation of these, offering efficient product solutions based on AI and TL technologies from rich hist data of other product results.
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This INFO-funded project aims to develop more circular composite materials for application in furniture products for the habitat sector through the use of new adhesive technologies and the revalorisation of agribusiness by-products.
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The overall objective of the project, funded by INFO, is to develop, on a laboratory scale, a process for the integral valorisation of lignocellulosic biomass from by-products of the agricultural sector in the Region of Murcia within the scope of circular economy and bioeconomy. To this end, several pre-treatments are proposed for the fractionation of the biomass with the final objective of obtaining differentiated products such as extractives, lignin and polysaccharides (cellulose and hemicellulose). The extractive fraction will be used to recover polyphenolic antioxidant compounds, while the polysaccharides will undergo enzymatic hydrolysis and subsequent fermentation to obtain lactic acid. Finally, the most recalcitrant structural component, lignin, will be functionalised to study its role as a precursor of wood adhesives together with polyphenols.
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Project funded by the RETOS Collaboration initiative whose main objective is to enzymatically degrade and/or recycle flexible polyurethane foams through two combined strategies: the development of new formulations of biodegradable flexible polyurethane foams and the development of ozonation (a treatment technique).
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Project funded by the RETOS Collaboration initiative whose main objective is to develop a complete intelligent system for the evaluation and improvement of sleep, whose central element is a True Wireless mattress (without any cable to the outside), made with traditional manufacturing materials modified to sense the pressure map on its surface. The system with long-range IoT connectivity will be self-sufficient (it will require neither WIFI nor local network) to send its data, which will be processed by Machine Learning (ML) techniques in the cloud to, on the one hand, estimate the quality of sleep and rest, and on the other, generate recommendations of interest to users and help them to optimise their rest.
In addition, additional sensors will be integrated into other sleep elements (e.g. pillow, sofa, headrest, etc.) to provide additional relevant information (brightness, ambient temperature and humidity, body temperature, heart rate and breathing).
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Project funded by the RETOS Research initiative whose main objective is to valorise polyurethane (PU) foams through the use of pre-treatments such as oxidative processes with ozone and hydrogen peroxide, to enhance their biodegradation through the use of enzymes, microorganisms and insects for their applicability as high added value products. for agriculture or chemical precursors.
Action name Department
Project funded by the RETOS Research initiative whose main objective is to valorise polyurethane (PU) foams through the use of pre-treatments such as oxidative processes with ozone and hydrogen peroxide, to enhance their biodegradation through the use of enzymes, microorganisms and insects for their applicability as high added value products. for agriculture or chemical precursors.
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ERASMUS+ funded project aiming to develop, transfer and implement innovative practices, following a cluster-based approach, for gender mainstreaming strategies in EU SMEs, focusing on the critical factors for the advancement of gender inclusive industries in the EU. gender mainstreaming strategies in EU SMEs, focusing on the critical factors for the advancement of gender inclusive industries in the EU.
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AEI-funded project aimed at developing a non-intrusive and portable cardiac output measurement system for home use that can be operated by a single user without the need for assistance or medical knowledge. FlowBeat builds on a previous research project entitled EneHeart.
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The main objective of the COST PhysAgeNet Action is to establish a sustainable network that promotes evidence-based physical activity research and practice in older adults and fosters the integration of innovative ICT solutions based on consolidated open data research information, in order to promote health and reduce the burden of inactivity in ageing populations.
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The main objective of the COST HELEN-Holistic design of taller timber buildings action is to create an interdisciplinary network that allows interaction between design professionals and academics in order to develop a set of guidelines for the holistic design of safe construction of taller timber buildings respecting the demands of human well-being.